Wednesday 8 January 2014

God is in control

Super Summit 2013 Miri at SIB Canada Hill was an eye-opener for many who felt God's presence that day. As soon as the 200 shofa blowers and dancers finished with their opening performance, the heavy downpour came which lasted for a few hours throughout the wee hours in the morning. And because of the rain, many stayed on till the end because they were deterred from leaving. The timing could not have been better. If it was not He who orchestrated that entire prayer meeting, who else did?

With the strong presence of young people there, it clearly shows that this generation is rising up to take their positions and is sensing the urgency. We can't dismiss the fact but are constantly reminded that God is in control and He can show up at anytime. The question we ask ourselves is whether we believe and want to be part of this great move.

- SL